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Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru


Исполнитель Альбом Описание Цена
GroundhogsBlack Diamondorig. UK UA (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/M (из личной коллекции)4800
GroundhogsScratching The Surface (debut album)orig. USA World Pacific (1-st press 1969) NM/NM15800
GroundhogsBlues Obituaryorig. UK Liberty (1-st press blue label 1969 A-1/B-1) NM/NM24800
GrounhogsWho Will Save The World? The Mighty Grounhogsorig. UK UA (1-st press A-1/B-1) g/f NM/NM4800
GrounhogsHogwashorig. UK UA (1-st press A-2/B-2) g/f (3-fold cover) NM/NM4800
GrounhogsBlack Diamondorig. UK UA (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM3800
GryphonTreasonorig. UK Harvest (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert M/M9900
HackensackUp The Hardwayorig. UK Polydor (1-st press A-1/B-2) insert NM/M (из личной коллекции)24900
HarmoniumHarmonium in Tournee 2LPorig. Can. CBS (1-st press rare Canadian prog. Rock) g/f 2 inserts NM/M4800
HarrisonCloud Nineorig. UK Dark Horse (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert NM/NM5400
HarrisonLiving In The Material Worldorig. USA Apple (1-st press 1973) g/f 2 inserts NM/M3400
HarrisonDark Horseorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-2/B-2) g/f 2 imserts NM/NM3800
HarrisonExtra Textureorig. UK Apple (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert NM/NM4800
HarrisonDark Horseorig. USA Apple (1-st press 1974) g/f 2 inserts NM/NM3400
HarrisonAll Things Must Pass 3LP's box3LP orig. EU GN Records (re-iss 2001) 3 inserts booklet NM/M17900
HarrisonExtra Textureorig. USA Apple (1-st press 1975) g/f insert M/M3800
HarrisonGone Troppoorig. USA Dark Horse (1-st press 1982) insert NM/NM2400
HarrisonThirty Three & 1/3orig. USA Dark Horse (1-st press 1976) g/f insert M/M (из личной коллекции)3400
HarrisonSomewhere In Englandorig. USA Dark Horse (1-st press 1981) insert NM/M3400
HarrisonCloud Nineorig. USA Dark Horse (1-st press 1987) insert NM/NM3800

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