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Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru


Исполнитель Альбом Описание Цена
Roger Taylor (Queen)Roger Taylor's Fun In Spaceorig. UK EMI (1-st press A-1/B-1) insert NM/M2800
Rolling StonesTheir Satanic Majesties Requestorig. UK Decca (re-press 1970 A-6/B-5) g/f NM/NM5900
Rolling StonesDirty Worksorig. USA RS (1-st press 1986) insert red shrink sticker NM/NM2400
Rolling StonesLady JaneUSSR Melodia 1988 M/M800
Rolling StonesBlue & Lonesome 2LP2LP orig. EU RS (1-st press 2016 A-1/B-1/C-1/D-1) g/f 2 inserts M/M (из личной коллекции)8900
Rolling StonesTheyr Satanic Majesties Requestorig. USA London (1-st press 1967) g/f (3D cover) insert NM/NM18900
Rolling StonesBlack And Blueorig. UK RS (1-st press A-1/B-1) g/f insert NM/NM4800
Rolling StonesIt's Only Rock'n'Rollorig. UK RS (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert NM/NM3400
Rolling StonesDirty Workorig. UK RS (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert red shrink sticker NM/NM3400
Rolling StonesBig Hits (High Tide And green Grassorig. UK Decca (2-nd press A-6/B-6) g/f POSTER NM/NM3800
Rolling StonesPlay With FireUSSR Melodia 1988 NM/NM800
Rolling StonesSome Girlsorig. UK RS (1-st press A-4/B-5) insert NM/NM4400
Rolling StonesSticky Fingersorig. Germ. RS (re-press 1979 A-1/B-1) g/f zipper cover (заклеен) insert M/NM9800
Rondo VenezianoVenezia 2000orig. Holl. Arcade Crown insert NM/NM900
Rondo VenezianoOdisseaorig. UK Fanfare (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/M2400
Roy BuchananRoy Buchanan (debut album)orig. UK Polydor (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM2800
Roy BuchananWhen A Guitar Plays The Bluesorig. UK Sonet (1-st press A-1/B-1) NM/NM3400
Roy BuchananResque Meorig. UK Polydor (1-st press A-2/B-2) NM/NM2800
Roy Harper & Jimmy PageWhatever Happened To…orig. UK Beggars Banquet (1-st press A-2/B-2) insert M/M (из личной коллекции)6800
Roy OrbisonBig Oorig. UK London (1-st press A-1/B-2) NM/NM3800

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